Writing Samples & Presentations


 Master's Thesis:


Human Rights Discussions in College-Level Geography Textbooks  
My Master's Thesis!  Examines eight introductory, college level Geography textbooks utilizing a text analysis methodology. Careful reading of the texts for both widely recognized rights and controversial human rights uncovered a general lack of human rights discussions. Overall coverage of selected rights in the texts is reviewed and the implications of the general absence of human rights discussions are drawn.

Click on the photo to the left to access the entire text.
 Short Essays:
 Research Papers: ..

Population Crisis:  
The Malthusian Specter 

Primary Field Research : 
Stream Gradient and Bankfull   
Discharge Correlations 

Physical Geography:   
  A Unique Geographic   


Secondary Research : 
The Economics and Politics of  
Large Scale Hydroelectric Dams

The New Global Times  
  A look at globalization   

Survival in the Amazon: 
Indigenous Groups & the Right  
to Self-Determination

Globalization along our Border: Impacts on Human Rights   
In October I gave a presentation at the department's monthly Brown Bag Lecture Series on my experiences on two Global Exchange "Reality Tours." You can read the presentation and view the slides by clicking on the picture to the right.

Religious Foundations of Human Rights 
This presentation was based on a research paper for a Comparative Religions course. In the paper, I reviewed the major world religions to see if a foundation of the respect for human rights can be found in all religions. This presentation is an overview of my findings, in which I argue that while conflict exists over the definition of human rights, the vast majority of the world's major religions do contain the philosophical foundation for the notion of basic human rights.
The Geopolitical Impacts of Globalization    
This short presentation was given in Geography 500 in October 1997.  In this landscape interpretation presentation, I used illustrations from the Los Angeles area to critique the prediction asserted by some scholars that globalization will cause the eventual decline of the state altogether as the political and economic coordination that governments carry out will becoming increasingly less important in the global world.