Tour Otavalo's

weekly market
local villages

Otavalo is pretty touristy.  After the Galapagos Islands and Quito, it is Ecuador's biggest crowd puller.  Nearly everyone who visits Ecuador pays a visit to the town's world-renowned Saturday market.  For hundreds of years, indigenous peoples from over seventy surrounding villages have brought their crafts and produce down from the hills for a day of frenzied barter and exchange.  And with the tourism influx, large sections of the market are now devoted to tourist dollars.  However, a trip to the Saturday market is still not to be missed, as a substantial part of the business each Saturday is still between locals, and a visit to the local outlying villages to see the artisans at work is an unforgettable experience.

Notes on my experiences in Otavalo are forthcoming.  However, you can view some photographs of my experiences by clicking above.